Harm Reduction

As our climate continues to warm, torrential rains, ferocious winds, and deadly storm surges like those of recent hurricanes Helene and Milton are becoming increasingly likely occurrences in the Southeastern United States.
The media consistently paints a simplistic picture of climate change: stop burning fossil fuels that emit CO2, and the planet will stop heating.
MindBodyGreen (Mbg) is a health, wellness, and lifestyle industry behemoth. Their website features regularly published articles, a podcast, classes and certificates, a panel of experts, and their own product line.
Very few of us read medical papers and even fewer reach research from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), so it is not surprising that an eyebrow-raising study was primarily shared with the public by the
Much as in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, we are eager to offload drudgery onto others, and with the advent of algorithms and their much smarter AI siblings, we have found a perfect new broom to carry the water.
The question of whether cell phones cause cancer has been studied extensively.
While it is true that racism has ebbed and flowed through medicine, STAT’s Embedded Bias begins by creating a straw man that does not
This article originally appeared on MedPage Today and was written by Andrea Love, PhD, and Katie Suleta, DHSc, MPH, MS. The original version can be found