
One of our core missions is to spread the good news about science as far and wide as possible. Obviously, we do plenty of that on the ACSH website, but we also regularly appear in various media outlets across the country. Here's where we appeared recently.
The prevalence of cigarette smoking among American adults is at an all-time low. Many media outlets decided to downplay or ignore this milestone public health achievement and instead scare people about vaping.
When what's absent in a story carries equal or more weight than what is actually reported, the damage goes beyond ratings. It undermines public health.
With 32 G.O.P lawmakers retiring it can be said that the media narrative about a "wave" of Republicans leaving Congress is wrong. Here are the stats behind that assessment.
And, so it begins. With The Daily Mail's story of Anthony Weiner’s reported entry into a rehab facility for sex addiction treatment, the media headlines have ignited. They blare: "Is Anthony Weiner a Sex Addict?" But that's not the right question we all should be asking. Here's what is.
Recognizing the rapid rate of technological change in U.S. households, the American Academy of Pediatrics announced new guidelines for Children's Media Use that can be applied to all kids under 18, including infants. This welcome news gives parents a roadmap for navigating the often-perilous topic of determining the right amount of time that children can spend staring at computers, smartphones and TV screens. 
Facebook may be overtly partisan and secretly conspiratorial, but companies have the freedom to do that. The only thing that will absolve Facebook of blame is if government seeks to regulate them.
Today s NYTimes Personal Health column by Jane E. Brody could pass for an ACSH publication: Emotion Is Not the Best Medicine. How many times have we said that? She uses the Ebola hysteria as her hook, but the column is replete with wise words.
How many times in the last week have you seen headlines such as Coffee as a memory booster, or How Diet Soda Makes You Fat? Well, according to a study conducted by researchers in