Mehmet Oz

The latest in health news: The FDA is finally reviewing homeopathic products to decide whether they should go under same approval process as conventional drugs, a new study shows why napping in carseats and strollers could be dangerous for your infant, and Columbia faculty speak out for or against Dr. Oz; we aren't sure.
Dr. Oz questions the safety of the non-browning GM apple- for absolutely no reason, supplements containing amphetamines pulled off the shelves at major retailer, and teen contraceptive use on the rise, but still not quite enough.
In his latest article, ACSH friend and former trustee Dr. Henry Miller, and co-author Kavin Senapathy, criticize television doctor Mehmet Oz for his
Dr. Oz is at it again, and millions of viewers are watching and listening to what he has to say. His latest scam is a pill that he claims will lead to the loss of 25 pounds of fat in one month. And