
Before you go all science on us, let's be clear: We're not advocating you stop drinking something because you can't spell it. In fact, we are saying just the opposite. If we lived by that mantra, we would dehydrate, since we'd have to forgo Dihydrogen Monoxide (water, duh.)
For those of us interested in nutrition, the topic keeps coming up: What food or foods are essential for human health? For example, do we really need to drink milk? The answers to these and other questions might surprise you.
Would you feed your baby milk produced by yeast? Or milk produced by a 3-D printer? Both are on the horizon, but you should have plenty of time to make that decision since they're still in the development stage.
For years, we've been getting advice to lower our consumption of fat to help prevent obesity and related ills. But a new study suggests that one group of fats — those found in whole milk — might actually have health benefits.
There is a dearth of information about the transmissibility of the flu virus through breast milk from mother to infant. However, a new study using a ferret model finds that transmission might be possible.
A new systematic review of published calcium articles reveals new findings on what to expect from different types of calcium and their correlation to bones.
Genius or Dangerous? We say the latter. Mothers who are not able to breastfeed are now starting to accept breast milk donations from other mothers or paying for breast milk obtained from online services. These breast milk donations and purchases the method sounds eerily similar to E-bay are unregulated and may actually be very dangerous for the baby.
Proponents of organic agriculture and of raw milk have frequently charged that the nation s conventionally produced milk supply is widely contaminated with illegal drug residues. But a new report from the FDA shows that this simply isn t true.
As if parents of autistic children didn t have enough to contend with, now there s a pseudo-warning from the animal rights/vegan-promoting group PETA alleging that consumption of dairy products is linked to autism.
In an op-ed in the New York Times, Mark Oppenheimer decries puritanical efforts to get school children to eat more nutritionally beneficial foods by eliminating flavored milk or sweetened cereals from school offerings.