observational studies

The study by Didier Raoult et. al., the one partly responsible for the massive, unwarranted use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID, has been picked to bits by a review panel hired by the journal that published it. It's now clear that the Raoult study was a methodological mess. How did it get published at all? Should it be retracted? Let's take a look.
A recent scare headline from CNN proclaimed that "a small glass of juice or soda a day is linked to increased risk of cancer, study finds." Ooh! That's really bad. Or it is? So many dietary studies turn out to be nonsense; they are the product of flawed observational studies. How about this one? Angela Dowden lets us know.
Is being overweight in childhood linked to mom's prenatal caffeine intake? If it is, it's not terribly well supported by this new study published in BMJ.
Heart failure affects about six million Americans. This may at least partially explain why the media has been so quick to seize the opportunity to link heart failure with processed meat consumption.
It s hard to figure out what to believe these days. As Drs. Henry Miller (a physician-scientist) and Stan Young (a statistician) point out in their piece on Forbes.com, one day coffee causes cancer and the next