Chemicals & Chemistry

A recent CNN article about the FDA oversight of chemicals in foods is puzzling.  Author Sandee LaMotte regurgitates a ludicrous demand by t
In the mood for some hilarity? I am. A new press release from the Silent Spring Institute (SSI) makes me wonder whether they've jumped the gun on April Fool's Day. Don't believe me?
In 2016 I wrote about a group at the Kyoto Institute of Technology in Japan that 
As if we don't have enough to worry about.
Not that I'm counting, but this is my 15th Dreaded Chemistry Lesson From Hell® Reader reactions have been mixed... "You suck. Your chemistry sucks. And your car sucks."
There are so many chemicals accused of causing human cancers that it's a wonder that any of us are still breathing. Yet, we are. In fact, since 1975 rates of most cancers have been either steady or slowly declining (Figure 1).
It would seem that Russia lags a bit behind much of the world in the free speech department. Alexei Navalny, a Russian anti-corruption activist and well-known critic of President Vladimir Putin is being treated in Germany for an apparent
I stumbled across a paper by a group of German chemists from the University of Duisburg-Essen in the journal Analytical Chemistry which left me with mixed feelings.
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