
After maintaining a pack-a-day habit for nearly three years, I gave up smoking in 2012 with the help of an electronic cigarette (e-cig).
Florida recently declared a statewide emergency because of an inordinately large number of hepatitis A infections.
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a particularly bad problem, the loss of renal function makes it more challenging to manage a patient’s fluid balance and electrolytes, especially potassium which can cause the heart to beat irregularly or even stop.
Inside of our body cells are tiny little organs ("organelles") called mitochondria that serve as miniature power plants. They provide the energy necessary for metabolism to occur and our bodies to function.
Vascular surgeons have an intimate acquaintance with diabetes and its complications.
To project military, cultural, and economic power, the ancient Romans relied on a technology that we often take for granted today: roads.
A summary of an article on surgical deaths caught my eye because it claimed that most surgical deaths occurred after surgery. Duh!
One leg of the three-legged stool of medical advice is exercise. The other two, watch what you eat, it’s variant, watch between-meal treats, and make sure you get the right amount of sleep.
Not all worrisome infectious diseases target humans. Some target animals, and the consequences can be devastating.