Other Science News

The mainstream media is repeating the unscientific claims of a dishonest book. A deeper dive into the author of the book would have revealed duplicity and enormous conflicts of interest.
We are surrounded by sounds creating a soundscape just as the land and buildings create landscapes. They are distinctive. The sirens and traffic of Manhattan, the silence punctuated by honking geese and their splashdowns in the nearby pond. The oceans, too, have soundscapes, humpback whales, the snap of a predatory snapping shrimp stunning its prey, and increasingly, the sounds of men and women.
The risk of radiation on a trip to Mars, the dark segments of our DNA, the role of "caste" in defining the elite, and how will our war with COVID-19 end?
Geology tells a story of Earth's long history of climate change, the Supreme Court - of Facebook, searching outside the algorithm has replaced searching outside the box, and California rarely walks its political talk.
A malevolent troll named Paul Thacker has made a living smearing and harassing scientists on Twitter. With the blessing of editors Nikhil Swaminathan and Jennifer Block, the website Grist has now given him a platform to spread his lies.
Two stories designed to explain COVID-19’s variants and a short history of vaccines, with all the influencers and entrepreneurs with have come to love or hate.
I have been reading at the intersection of COVID and monopolies, COVID and modeling, COVID and our bureaucracy. For those who have been vaccinated once, the second dose may allow you to experience for a day or two, first hand, the power of our immune systems.
Identifying the rioters at the Capital demonstrates the end of privacy, the bad-boys of healthcare 2020, the natural and un-natural in medicine, and an example of "misinformation" spread not on social media, but by a beetle.
If the media was doing its job instead of providing free marketing and public relations to the renewable energy industry, it would have reported that Europe's energy transition has come at great cost because of massive subsidies, higher taxes, and poor decisions.
A few weeks ago, our medical director, Chuck Dinerstein, sat down to discuss ACSH with Great.com on their podcast “Great Talks With.” Great.com is a Swedish company funded by online gambling and dedicated to talking “with organizations and experts dedicated to doing good in the world.” Dr. Dinerstein discusses our role in separating science fact from science fiction in a media environment where trustworthy commentary is difficult to find.
I admit I wandered down the rabbit hole on deplatforming free speech with three articles, all with different viewpoints. And then a piece on vaccinations, it is not about central control as much as centralized communication.
We, humans, have difficulty understanding the very small and the very large, but scale plays an increasingly important role in our lives - think Amazon or Twitter. What if we taught about scale in school? Are we becoming more or less violent? An update on COVID-19's origin story - a cautionary tale? What does the Federal Trade Commission have to do with the problems at the Capital?