Parents & Kids

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a new parent's worst nightmare - the sudden death of an infant less than one year of age, most frequently during the night - that has no immediately obvious cause.
Last weekend when walking through our local garden shop I found some really beautiful flowering plants for sale — ready to be installed in one's spring and summer garden. One of the showiest was the Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea).
In our latest intallment of #KuriousKiddos, Karson and Owen wanted to know: What makes our eyes red after swimming? Your first thought may be chlorine, but another culprit is to blame. Gross alert!
Now that I'm in the second trimester, I'm starting to think about baby bottles, sippy cups, and all that fun stuff. But all the options online leave me thinking I don't have much choice when it comes to BPA-free bottles.
One day in second grade, the entire class was lined up outside the nurse’s office for, of all things, eye exams. One by one we dutifully took our position at the mark and began to read the eye chart.
With new pregnancy come new health story ideas! Indulge me for a minute: we've started a new segment called The Pregnancy Diaries. Let's talk health issues, questions and expectations when expecting!
The FDA has been busy lately, from protecting children from fake autism treatments to putting enough pressure on the makers of
You've heard of being in a fog while pregnant, but is there science to back this up? A little bit. Watch our video to find out. Plus, a bonus announcement from Ana Dolaskie.
Fourteen is a big year of transition in many kids' lives... Whether it's the start of dating, getting their own phone, or learning how to drive, it is a time when they can start to do more on their own.
We want to hear what kids around the nation (and globe!) want to know about science and health.
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