Parents & Kids

A group of researchers is attempting to make coffee roasting more science than art. The team wants to improve consistency by using the tools of analytical chemistry to monitor the coffee roasting process in real-time.
Old science could be a new way to kill salmonella in meat. Research shows that treating meat products infected with four types of salmonella using Myoviridae bacteriophages during mixing led to the bacteriophages invading the cells of the bacteria and destroying them.
There sure are a lot of toxicology "experts" out there on the web, and they really don't like anything that is sweet (except maybe when they sell it). We recently wrote about sucralose (Splenda), which is trashed by these "Internut" know-nothings despite the fact that its safety profile is about as good as you'll ever see. But, these I-nuts are even more verbal about aspartame -- and the more verbal they are, the more they get it wrong.
Often, experienced chemists can look at the structure of a chemical and make good guess about whether it will be toxic. But "eyeball toxicology" is not foolproof. Many of us got it wrong with sucralose. We were suspicious that it might be toxic. But it isn't, and here's why.
Former New York Times columnist Mark Bittman enthusiastically endorses a tax on soda and other sweetened beverages that's now being considered in Philadelphia. While this may seem appealing to people who believe that sugar is a major contributor to America's health problems, when you really examine the logic of such a tax, there isn't much there.
Memorial Day weekend is a time, first and foremost, to remember and honor our country's fallen military heroes. It is, unofficially, a time to get outside, celebrate that summer is coming, and fire up the grill. Before you start marinating the meat though, a new study brings attention to a hidden danger associated with grilling - the wire-bristle brushes used to clean them. When bristles get loose on these brushes, they can fall out, stick to the grill, be transferred to food and ingested.
The language of science has been hijacked. Those who are looking to make a quick buck (or in the case of the organic industry, 43 billion bucks) have no qualms about twisting the definition of highly precise scientific terminology to suit their own profit-driven agendas. Here's a brief glossary of the some of the most commonly misused scientific terms. (Note: the health food and fad diet industries are among the biggest abusers.)
The organic craze that has overtaken the United States is so pervasive (and intentionally confusing) that it's become impossible for anyone to know what it really means. Here's how it appears to a chemist. Hold on tight.
In an effort to clamp down on counterfeit food, a research group in Italy has devised a chemical test to help determine the authenticity of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. This is according to a report published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Whether you are traveling around the world or relaxing at home, a safe, healthy vacation will add to your enjoyment. Here are some health and safety tips to keep in mind when planning your summer vacation.
This report was prepared by Krisitine Napier, M.P.H., R.D., a Cleveland-based health and science writer. Wrapped in the same warm bundle of joy with a new baby is a tremendous responsibility. Helping an infant grow to be healthy and free from injury into the teen years is an awesome task. Feeding, vaccination and child-proofing questions take a back seat to increasingly complex issues. The job of keeping your children healthy and safe is further complicated by myths and misconceptions about matters of safety and good health. Should a parent be concerned about lead poisoning? What about pesticides in food or carcinogens in the water supply? What exactly should a parent be most concerned about?