
Human physiology is complex. Homeostasis tells us that our physiologic responses maintain us within a specific range. Fractal physiology tells us that, over time, our responses become less responsive. And those changes can be seen years before clinical disease is apparent.
A 50-year-old man’s rare condition caused by a catastrophic stroke leaves him unable to move, speak or perform basic functions like chewing and swallowing. All the while his mind is intact. The diagnosis is called “locked-in syndrome,” and here's a look at this terrifying condition.
How often do you hear of someone using their spouse's antibiotic from a prior illness? Or, dispensing an Ambien to a colleague or friend? For those practicing medicine without a license in person, or through social media crowdsourcing, the harms can be considerable.
Inclusivity for those with chronic disease or differing abilities is gaining momentum as a fashion trend. These targeted solutions to quality-of-life issues are a refreshing way to achieve the larger goal of a healthier society.
Jewish people were the highest profile victims of the Nazi killing machine, but they weren't the only ones. Anybody who was "impure" was potentially targeted for extermination, including the mentally and physically handicapped. This latter group was the subject of a moving essay in The Lancet Psychiatry.
Not unlike government or healthcare metrics, the focus on Sen. McCaskill's injury after she received the life-saving Heimlich maneuver is inherently flawed.
A Phase I clinical trial in France resulted in one death and hospitalization of five other study participants, three of which have irreversible brain damage. Prosecutors there are beginning a manslaughter investigation which will threaten the stability of any future drug trial.
When trying to restore brain circulation to a stroke victim, minutes even seconds count. One minute faster led to 2 days more of health.