
Regardless of what postmodernists say, there are real, objective, measurable biological differences between men and women. That's why sports are segregated by sex.
Men given a testosterone gel were more honest than men given a placebo gel. Though the results of this experiment were not statistically significant, they were when combined with a similar study.
It's hardly a secret that men find women with long legs attractive. What's less obvious is that the reverse also appears to be true. Even after controlling for height, women find men with slightly longer legs than average to be more attractive.
The weekly report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the dead and dying is morbidly fascinating. In both men and women, heart disease and cancer are #1 and #2 killers, respectively. However, everything changes after that. 
By Stephanie Bucklin, Live Science Contributor Men still aren't living as long as women — and that holds true for humans' primate cousins as well, a new study shows. In the study, researchers looked at data from six populations of humans from both modern and historical times, in different countries. The investigators found that, "in spite of the huge gains in human longevity over the past century, the male-female difference has not shrunk," said Susan Alberts, a professor of biology at Duke University and a co-author of the new study.
Depression has often been associated with symptoms such as sadness, apathy and anxiety. But researchers are coming to understand that depression can manifest itself differently in men than it does in women