
Simple lifestyle interventions are a tempting target to stave off cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease. Sadly, two new studies appearing in JAMA show no discernible benefit from exercise activity nor from omega-3 or vitamin supplementation.
Your mother may have told you to eat fish to get smart because for years it s been touted as good for the brain. Now a new study, published in The American Journal of Medicine, suggests that eating fish might help protect the heart too.
A prescription fish-oil capsule, which has been approved for reducing elevated triglycerides, was voted down by an FDA panel to enlarge its indications to include lowering cholesterol due to a lack of data supporting efficacy against cardiovascular outcomes.
Two recent studies on the health benefits associated with two commonly-used dietary supplements further add to our message here at ACSH that complementary products do very little to protect us from any types of disease, and supply further