Pfizer COVID vaccine

Drs. Robert Popovian (a member of the Scientific Advisory Board at ACSH) and Radife Kiral, both at Pfizer, examine the response of our healthcare system to the COVID pandemic. In some areas we did well; in others not so well. What can we do better in the future?
It would have been impossible to predict the efficiency of the COVID vaccination program at the newly-opened Fort Washington Armory location. It was amazing. Including the seat wiper.
Some ingenious pharmacists have figured out how to get a sixth dose out of the "fill" in Pfizer's vaccine. Pfizer wants those magically-found "extra doses" counted towards its commitment to the U.S. government. And the company wants to be paid for what it's providing.
After Pfizer's COVID vaccine was administered in the UK, two allergic reactions surfaced. Who’s to blame? The drug maker? I argue no. Pfizer could not possibly have known in advance whether these reactions would occur or, if so, how frequently. Why's that? Here's why.