More is Better When It Comes to Men and Sex

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A new study shows an inverse relationship between frequency of ejaculation and risk of prostate cancer.

The authors used data from 31,925 men who participated in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study from 1992 to 2010, and who were asked about the frequency of ejaculation. Of these men, 3,839 were diagnosed with prostate cancer, using a Cox model (a statistical technique that takes into account several variables) to calculate the hazard ratios.

The data were divided to determine the average monthly ejaculation frequency at three time points: age 20–29 years, 40–49 years, and one year prior to distribution of the questionnaire. It was found that those who ejaculated 21 or more times per month in the 20–29 and 40–49-year-old age group had a statistically significant decreased risk – 19 percent and 22 percent, respectively – of prostate cancer.

The new paper in European Urology builds on previous studies that drew similar conclusions. One reason for that may be the “prostate stagnation hypothesis,” the authors say, which means that possible cancer causing secretion, if not expelled, could potentiate the rise of cancer.

There are limitations to the study:  1) As with any study that relies on self-reported data, results are inherently less reliable; 2)  Association does not imply causation. Therefore it cannot be concluded with certainty that frequent ejaculation indeed results in fewer cases of prostate cancer. However, this is a large study with surveys obtained in an anonymous fashion which may have offset these weaknesses.

Basically, safe sexual activity could be good for prostate health. One can almost hear the collective high-fives going around, and at the very least many men the world over may be less embarrassed by taking matters into their own hands.