Other Science News

Warning letters by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can be interesting to read. A recent one, from the end of September, is more interesting than most. The facilities of Nashoba Brook Bakery, located in Concord, MA, were inspected by the FDA and a number of violations were found and documented. Actually, to be clear, Nashoba Brook Bakery was found to be - in one phrase - a hot mess. 
A Detroit mother was sentenced to seven days in jail for failing to comply with a judge's orders to vaccinate her son, as she had agreed to do in her divorce agreement. Falsely claiming a religious exemption, this woman is now a martyr for anti-vaccine propagandists.
Researchers from Georgetown University recently published a study in the journal Tobacco Control demonstrating the potential to save millions of people from premature smoking-related deaths by switching to e-cigarette use.
In case you're keeping count, the science portion of this year's Nobel Prizes was given to nine scientists, seven of whom are American.
This year's announcement for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was like when the big movie that everyone's talking about fails to take home the Oscar. Just as when filmmakers understand why the small, indy film won, the same is true here.
A new report from the American Cancer Society says that deaths attributable to breast cancer have decreased by 39 percent, with improvements in mortality rates observed in all races and ethnicities. All told, nearly 323,000 fewer women have evaded the horror of this terrible disease.
Protecting foreign service members is one of the most important responsibilities of the U.S. State Department. So, reducing the number of American diplomats in Cuba – as well as expelling Cuban diplomats from Washington, to emphasize the situation's gravity – is entirely appropriate, especially since we still have no idea what actually happened.
Women are underpaid. That's because, in the workplace, they're not considered equal to their male colleagues. They come with other needs, most significantly from an economic point of view, a need for flexible hours – and a resulting penalty is assessed. But the marketplace is now reducing this disparity.
Tom Petty, the rock 'n roll guitarist who first gained fame in the late 1970's with his band, The Heartbreakers, and maintained his popularity ever since, went into cardiac arrest before dying Monday night. But what is cardiac arrest, and how does differ from a heart attack? We explain.
During the long runs we've been doing to train for the upcoming marathon, we've had some time to think. It made us wonder: Why is a marathon the distance that it is? Here's how it happened, and why it's remained that long.
Peer review has been around for quite some time. But its history features interactions with the technology and forms of sharing information, with censorship, the rise and fall of generalists as well as concerns about marketing. 
At last, a bit of science in the form of observational data. That science can more meaningly inform guidelines for prescribing opioids (at least by surgeons) than the unsupported advice of the Centers for Disease Control.