Other Science News

Of all the ridiculous claims made in the popular science press, one of the biggest is that we have discovered the possibility of alien life on some remote exoplanet.
It's sleep awareness week and we are trying to, well, be more aware of our sleep. 
The home DNA testing company 23andMe has received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to test for three genetic mutations in two genes that you have probably heard of if you know who Angeli
There are 2,666 emojis available for tweets and texts.
Wheat is the second most important food crop in the developing world. It's not just in pasta, either. Wheat is found in more food than you can imagine (1). Like corn and soy, we need it, and lots of it. 
Pollsters have taken a beating the last few years. Getting Brexit and the 2016 U.S. presidential election wrong were spectacular failures that shook the public's faith in prediction models.
You may remember a mystery that had health officials and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) perplexed a few summers back.
Medical noncompliance and appointment no-shows substantially contribute to increasing health care costs - on top of resultant treatment complications and disease decline (especially in the chronically ill) due to such deferral.
An article reviewing the CDC’s database on causes of death in the U.S. due to animals was recently published in Wilderness and Environmental Medicine.
The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) is taking the label "human genome project" to the next level by undertaking a project known as the Dubai 10X initiative.