Other Science News

What's more disturbing: The revelation that roughly a third of the athletes at the 2011 track world championships were doping – undetected – or that it took six years for the news of such a remarkable breakdown to become public? If this was a race, using the sport's parlance, you might say they'd break the tape simultaneously. 
Facebook, a site from which a substantial number of people acquire their daily news, has decided that pages that post fake stories will be banned from advertising. That's a perfectly fine decision, but it raises a bigger and more profound question: Who decides which news is fake? Mark Zuckerberg?
The story of the allegedly toxic (and potentially lethal) homeopathic teething products continues. The latest piece of the puzzle is the multiple violations an FDA investigation uncovered at Raritan Pharmaceuticals, one of the company's manufacturing facilities.
Bundled payment for health care is being presented as a fix to rising costs. What makes up the bundle of services provided, and can they really save us money? A new study in JAMA Surgery sheds some light.
If you're middle-aged and you usually walk slowly, consider this as you stroll: a new, large study found that those who felt they were "slow walkers" were nearly twice as likely to die from a heart-related cause as compared to those who said they walk briskly. It's an association, not a cause-and-effect finding. But it's worth a discussion with your doctor.
As the highest quality of care continues not to be the emphasis in the health care debate — let alone be on par with discussions around access – Canadian health systems remain in the spotlight. This time multiple hospitals in southern Ontario shut their doors to the sickest of babies. 
Many people talk about increasing STEM programming for young people, especially in underrepresented populations. But few of us actually walk the walk. Well, the same cannot be said for The Society for Science & the Public. Recently it lent its support to five organizations through their STEM Action Grants Program.
The hypothesis that lipids – those nasty cholesterols – are responsible for cardiovascular disease has been the king of the theoretical mountain. But a new study suggests that lipids do not tell the entire tale.  
Cinnamon is a staple in your pantry, but should it have a place in your medicine cabinet? Experts say, hardly. In fact, too much of a good thing can be harmful. 
Who hasn’t chuckled at a TV prescription drug ad, during its litany of wide-ranging potential side effects? Anal leakage and the oft-repeated erections lasting more than four hours? With direct-to-consumer marketing, product overstatements of health benefits with simultaneous minimization of possible harms have become the norm. Now, the FDA wants to change that.
Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle company, goop, may think that the products it sells are helpful, but others disagree. The controversy has evolved into a formal complaint filed against goop. It's a move that starts the legal ball rolling down the firm's vaginal egg-lined path.
Inequality is increasingly a buzzword, and we've never heard it applied to activity. Nonetheless, this study from the journal Nature uses iPhones to demonstrate our differing amounts of activity. And for a bonus, we find a new use for a familiar political phrase.