hank campbell

Hank Campbell, founder of Science 2.0, named ACSH president
Perhaps spurred by last week s seismic announcement by Sage Publications that it was retracting 60(!) papers from one of their journals, Science 2.0 founder Hank Campbell wrote a scathing
The latest health news: a shoutout to Hank Campbell on his natural gas op-ed, why germy kids are healthy kids, and why getting them to eat veggies because it's healthy won't work
We at ACSH do not deal with climate-related issues it is beyond our scope. But ACSH friend and founder of the immensely popular blog Science 2.0 site has no such reservations. However, Campbell's take on climate change has nothing to do with whether it is occurring, and, if so, what is causing it. It is about groups that want to eliminate the use of fossil fuels, using climate change as one handy excuse, and the tactics
Hank Campbell of Science 2.0 points out the vast gulf between journalism and pandering in an irresponsible way merely to get attention, whatever the cost to sound science and public health. Same concern applies to phony research targeting chemicals.