juvenile humor

Well, are you? I'm not kidding. This is real, not satire. 
Cilantro is one of those restaurant-type things – a substance that we could easily survive without but has nonetheless carved out an oversized place on US menus since the late 20th century. 
Disclaimer: Some most all of you may probably will will find some most all of this article potentially vulgar. Don't blame me. Yuks matter. 
The website International Days has somehow determined that today, April
It’s Pi Day. Could there be a better opportunity to share my recipe for the world’s best Key Lime Pi(e)? I say no.
Who is the most widely known military leader in history? Patton? Napoleon? Washington? There are plenty of choices but in my opinion, it has to be General Tso, hands down.
It doesn't take much anything to annoy me anymore. It can strike from anywhere at any time. What was it today? (As if it matters. Two minutes later I would have found something else.) But today it was coffee.
Here is a new (and typically idiotic) edition of The J-Man Chronicles. Enjoy
Do you remember that gag-provoking 1982 commercial for Enjoli Perfume?
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