risk factors

A new study looks at that age-old question. Is our lifespan based more on our genes or our habits? Nature Medicine offers some perspective. Spoiler alert – it is not because you are “big-boned.”
High blood pressure is not a static event, it's dynamic, the result of multiple causes changing at different rates. Treating high blood pressure, or any disease, as a static process makes our models more inaccurate.
A comprehensive study of heart attacks in women by the American Heart Association reveals many important differences between those that afflict men and women: symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment. Racial disparities also come into play.
A simple set of tests may increase our ability to predict Alzheimer s type dementia. Why is this important? We must have reliable early predictors to do the tests that will eventually yield a prevention or treatment.
Coronary artery disease affects just as many women as men and can lead to heart attack, or cause heart failure or arrhythmias. However, according to new report