Biomedicine & Biotech

Reprinted by permission of McGill University Office for Science and Society. ### 
One of these beliefs is not like the other: The moon landing was faked. 9/11 was an inside job. Vaccines cause autism.
You don't come to this website for (bad) golf tips. Instead, you come here for our take on the latest scientific and consumer issues of the day. Trust us. It's better that way.
Chiropractic theory is rooted in the notions of Daniel David Palmer, a grocer and "magnetic healer,” who postulated that the basic cause of disease was interference with the body's nerve supply.
The strong woody material of plants is a composite of 70% cellulose which we can break down to create fuels, chemicals and materials and lignin an outer coating that is quite hard to remove and makes getting at the cellulose difficult and therefor
Malignant brain tumors are an especially bad type of cancer for a number of reasons.
As my co-worker handed me an advertisement addressed to me, she said “I know you are going to throw it out, but that’s your call” while we laughed in unison at my historical lack of guile given the circumstance.