Harm Reduction

There are currently about 42 million Americans who still smoke. And smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death,
Yesterday, at the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens committee hearing in Trenton, New Jersey, the focus was on a bill that would impose a wholesale sales tax of 75 percent on e-cigarettes.
More political claptrap on the threat to our youth of e-cigarettes, from the usual crowd of Democratic senators, only in a more formal arena. And the CDC and FDA seem to disagree, a bit. How did the clown Harkin get to be a public health arbiter?
NYS Senate panel to deliberate on how to reduce access to effective smoking cessation method, thanks to testimony from experts committed to keeping e-cigarettes off the market, while barring other testimony. Democracy? Not really, nor public health.
New CDC report explores the toll of preventable deaths in our nation. The figures are staggering, but parsing the immediate vs. underlying causes, plus geographic distributions may help reduce the loss.
It's been a big day for screening discussions. Screening: good! No--screening bad! Depends on who's doing the evaluations of risk/benefit, it seems.
A British survey of thousands of e-cigarette users found out that vapers vape to quit smoking; and while such use is skyrocketing, the number of non-smoking teens who have tried them is minuscule.
Large new study reveals much-needed data regarding the use of e-cigarettes: no surprises. For those who have followed the science, ignoring the agenda and politics: vapers quit way more often than expected.
Another day, another destructive, politically-motivated attack on e-cigarettes, based on the always-useful protect our children mantra. Smokers trying to quit are tossed under the bus.
More alarmism from the CDC about nicotine poisonings. Two minor points were not mentioned: none of these reports involved serious toxic effects, and any product with such a dramatic increase in the community will experience similarly increased reports.
Another attempt to deny the efficacy of e-cigarettes for helping addicted smokers quit, in another JAMA publication. Another misleading, distorted agenda item without merit, pretending to be science. How low will they go?
Another scare story about toxic nicotine poisonings: another epidemic without any actual victims. But yes, do be careful! Some day, someone will be poisoned we re only human after all.