An August 8, 2006 Boston Herald article noted a piece by ACSH's Todd Seavey chastising Melanie Griffith for letting her teenage daughter smoke:
Griffith, who married Don Johnson, the girl's father, at age nineteen (the first time), staked a place in Tinseltown with her barely legal portrayals of porn stars and prostitutes. But the American Council of Science and Health argues that by condoning underage smoking -- the legal age being eighteen -- the 48-year-old actress has taken her reckless reputation too far!
--Noting that Antonio Banderas' wife has always been more convincing in her gritty and dumb blonde film roles, muses that her recent lack of parental judgment is "clinching evidence that the ditzy roles come more naturally to her."
--Pointing out that smoking is "the leading preventable cause of premature death," the Council adds that if the "Working Girl" raises her daughter to be a smoking woman, Griffith will have successfully cut the life expectancy of her child...
And this isn't the first time Griffith -- whose battle with drug addiction has caused her career to nose-dive in the 80s and then again in the 90s -- has committed a parenting faux pas.
Two years ago she publicly declared that she would smoke pot with her son, Alexander, twenty-one, if he ever expressed interest in the drug. Well, apparently, he did. And now Alex, whose dad is Mel's second hubby, Steven Bauer, is in rehab. His mother regrets her decision.
See also: ACSH's report Cigarettes: What the Warning Label Doesn't Tell You -- Information Tobacco Companies Don't Want Teens to Know About the Dangers of Smoking and the ACSH site