Every Picture Tells a Story: What Physicians Are Thinking

Medscape is a website focused on those working in healthcare. They recently ran a survey on some ethical dilemmas facing physicians.

It was an online survey of about 5130 physicians conducted in the last few months. Roughly 2/3rd male, and roughly a third 65 or older, a third between 50 and 65, and the remaining third younger than 50. About 25% were primary care providers, the remainder various specialties. Here are a few of their findings.

On the subject of pain management:

The push is on for flu shots, after all, we do not want a “twindemic” of COVID-19 and seasonal flu. Survey shows that some physicians still believe patients should do what we say, not what we do.

Finally, how woke are physicians? Seems we got and are getting the message about bullying and sexual harassment, not so much on racism.


Source: Life, Death, and Painful Dilemmas: Ethics 2020 MedScape