I'm always skeptical of claims concerning therapeutic uses of CBD oil (cannabidiol) and also the results of clinical trials that contain a small number of participants.
Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
I wrote here in 2020 and here&n
In the past, I've come down pretty hard on the sleazy tactics used by certain pharmaceutical companies to sell more of
The DEA is chasing its tail, and it's hardly the first time.
The term "100-Day Cough" has its origins about five centuries ago in either China or Japan, depending on whom you believe. Although there is no universal definition, it is generally acce
Pharmacists are caught in a bind; filling a prescription requires more than simply counting out some pills; at minimum, there is a safety check and a need to ensure that the prescription is medically correct and correctly filled.
It is difficult to find anything comforting when you are told you have cancer. Perhaps no word evokes more terror, and this is not without reason.
Open a random medicine cabinet, and there's a very good chance you'll see a bottle of ibuprofen.