Food & Nutrition

I almost feel bad about ragging on these guys. Again. I mean, hasn't Chipotle had more than enough problems in the past couple of years?
The Organic Consumers Association avers that organic foods since they supposedly contain no pesticides, GMOs or other such "dangerous" items, are better for you.
When you need a boost of Vitamin C, we bet you never think to eat some bell peppers! Here are five foods that are higher in Vitamin C than oranges!
The media is alive with a new report sure to satisfy the confirmation bias of a billion people; drinking coffee is good for you!! And evidently, the more, the better.
Dr. Gregory House was fond of saying, "Everybody lies." In the food industry, that maxim could be modified to, "Everybody cheats."
Can we eat our way out of potential global warming?
The good news is that more of us report walking regularly than in the past. That’s true for most demographic groups, but the level of reported activity still has far to go to reach recommended levels.
The thoroughly debunked myth that the world is overpopulated is still pervasive. A corollary to that myth is the belief that, as the population continues growing, we will not be able to provide enough food for everybody.
One phenomenon that continues to mystify physicians and healthcare professionals alike is the "obesity paradox," the idea that significant extra weight can actually be beneficial and provide protection in some circumstances.