Other Science News

  Come gather ‘round people wherever you roam And admit that the waters around you have grown …
This article has been written in collaboration with Jacob Traverse [1]
During his long-overdue testimony before the House Committee on Agriculture in April, EPA Administrator Michael Regan complained about anti-pesticide groups tying up his Agency’s resources
A significant portion of point-of-sales transactions involve cash, credit, or debit cards, and digital transactions are increasing. But little is known about how consumers decide to reach into their wallets for cash or a card.
“There is absolutely no doubt that along with exercise and favourable genetics, diet is a key preventative when it comes to disease. But curing disease by eating specific foods is another matter.
There is a bar/restaurant in my town called ####### and I rarely eat there. As in not in the last 40 years. Yet, people I know do and many tell me that the food is quite good.
We have written about peer review at ACSH; here is a slightly different take from Marginal Revolution.
Plants have a hard life rooted in the ground as they are. In fight-or-flee situations, they can only fight, and as a result, they have developed several chemical and physical defenses.
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