Other Science News

It's hard to find anything but sadness in the continued epidemic of deaths from drug overdoses. But many of these individuals become organ donors. And despite concerns about infection, organs retrieved and transplanted from these deaths do very well in their new hosts. 
After a series of recent trips to the hospital, the 92-year-old wife of the former president has decided not to seek any additional medical treatment.
Being a night owl could literally kill you; that's according to the latest study from nearly half a million participants in the U.K. Experts say night owls are living in a world structured for early risers, or larks, and are at a higher risk for obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and early death. 
Next month, the International Agency for Research on Cancer is expected to announce its choice for new director, the person who will lead the organization for the next five years. ACSH President Hank Campbell sizes up the front-runners and gives you his pick to lead the agency.
This list, published annually by the Environmental Working Group, should be ignored for a multitude of reasons. It wrongly promotes the idea that organic foods don't have pesticides, while also making sweeping claims unsupported by scientific evidence. So media, why are you repeating EWG's nonsense without doing some fact-checking?
This year's theme for this nonsense culture is "Homeopathy for Pregnancy and Childbirth." With no shortage of stories where kids have been hurt or killed at homeopathy's hand, it seems wholly appropriate to point out specific instances showing how dangerous this foolish practice really is.
The Occupy movement fizzled out because it stood for nothing. But don't look now: The March for Science is flirting with the same dubious fate.
New research from The Scripps Research Institute in San Diego found that protective IgG antibodies, one of five major classes of antibodies, may not be the most important ones when it comes to fighting off a flu infection. This insight may help make future flu vaccines and other treatments much more effective.
The reason The Population Bomb was so terrible is not that its predictions were wrong; most scientists make incorrect predictions. No, the book is terrible because of how it made people in the developed world feel about people in the developing world. Namely, that they are little more than hungry cockroaches who shouldn't be fed.
Those with celiac disease need to maintain a 100% gluten-free diet. This makes the results of a new study, showing that gluten is sneaking into these diets, both surprising and disheartening.
After examining a quarter century of federal traffic crash data, researchers found a 12 percent higher incidence of a fatal accident taking place on April 20 after 4:20 pm, the unofficial start time of the drug's holiday.
Physicians are beginning to modify their prescribing habits. The new consensus is practical, it can be started today and it doesn't involve Congressional hearings, lawsuits or new regulations.