Other Science News

In the early days of microbiology experiments, when researchers needed test subjects they frequently went to those closest nearby which included their family or themselves. Now, we have animals to use for experimentation or humans, if the right permission is granted and protocols obtained.  That said, some modern biohackers, or people who take a do it yourself (DIY) mentality to science experiments, are going old school and using their own bodies as the first test subject. Recently, Aaron Traywick, CEO of Ascendance Biomedical, did just that. He injected himself on stage at the conference BodyHacking Con with a homemade herpes treatment. 
One of the many problems with academia is that it allows nutcases to flourish.
There's no greater wealth of knowledge or insight than experienced practitioners manning the front lines. Yet the powers that be rarely – if ever – ask them about what's the right data to pursue. Here's a partial answer to a physician's job dissatisfaction.
The Winter Olympic Games are set to begin this week, but, the organizers have been thrown a last minute headache - well more of a stomachache, actually. Dozens of members of the security detail in the Olympic facilities have come down with norovirus or "the stomach flu." This is making for a nail-biter of a finish - waiting to see if any of the athletes are affected - and the competition hasn't even started yet!
It may be the height of the flu season but diagnosing flu remains a challenge for physicians. 
Bacteria use chemical weapons. Using E. coli as a model, researchers sought to understand how simple regulators might produce multiple combat strategies. The investigation also tried to determine whether strategy would provide a survival advantage.
She opposes the tools and practices of modern agriculture and science – and modernity in general — and advocates retrogressive policies that will cause widespread malnourishment, deprivation and death to the very people she claims to champion. As guest writer Henry Miller points out, Shiva is no friend of the environment, either.
Why hire a PhD or a person with a bachelor's degree in science? Instead, it's cheaper and easier to hire a social media intern who's spent the last few years copying and pasting press releases about scary toxins and miracle vegetables.
A couple years back an asthma episode in Australia claimed 10 lives. The culprit was something called "thunderstorm asthma," which is believed to occur when high winds sweep up pollen grains, which then swell in the moisture. The theory is that each grain ruptures into hundreds of even smaller pieces, multiplying the danger.
As the first physician to serve three administrations AND be the appointed Physician to the President for two presidents, Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson is a historical figure. Find out here: Are presidents difficult patients? Can his team operate on Air Force One? How does he feel about his recent press conference over President Trump's physical or the politicizing of a candidate's health, in general? And more...
Researchers have found a way to model the thinking of experts, which could allow machines to explain their "thinking." That would be a great step forward in the deep learning of medical diagnosis by computers.