Other Science News

Pheramor believes genetic analysis provides the best path to matchmaking happiness. The Houston-based, tech start-up contends that sequencing 11 genes associated with pheromones – which are believed to switch on sexual attraction – will produce a better match than current online dating services. But is the science backing the venture sound?
Woe unto you who hold politically incorrect beliefs. With the push of a button, Wikipedia can make you disappear.
Many stereotypes just aren't true, like that men are smarter than woman. And yet, girls as young as six have ben found to be less likely than boys to believe that members of their own gender are “really, really smart." It's simply wrong for these types of insecurities and biases to be taking hold at all – much less at such an early age.
The media persist in conflating health care and its finances. However, the breathlessly-announced new collaboration among these three business giants is solely about reducing health care costs, for business. 
Although it's easy to become blase about liftoffs, and orbits, and missions, and spacewalks and the intermittent hubbub emanating from the International Space Station, maybe a moment of reflection is warranted to recognize NASA's first satellite launch and "America’s very first space science discovery" on January 31, 1958.
For many major league baseball players, the placebo effect is alive and well. This is indisputable, especially following a bizarre, public display of one of the most extreme cases of "cupping" – the dubious practice of applying suction to the skin to supposedly enhance muscle relief. Really, who'd do this? The answer is right here.  
Stopping the transmission of Zika and dengue viruses is a top priority in the fields of infectious disease and global health. A novel strategy, one that infects the mosquitoes with bacteria, may just be the key to stopping these viruses in their tracks. 
Here's a case of a 13-year-old boy who pierced his skull with a 6-inch screw after an accidental fall. With unintentional injury the fourth-leading cause of death, here's how best to avoid a negative outcome.
Rarely does Lyme Disease manifest itself as a neuro-invasive condition known, in shorthand, as Bannwarth Syndrome. It's a complicated version of Lyme, and when a cluster of five cases surfaced late last summer, all in the upper midwest, a few red flags were raised.  
What these two processes share is baked into the math of each. In fact, in that respect, they're nearly identical. They both involve some stuff (atoms or money) that is either growing or shrinking. And best yet, they both have a magic number. 
Like us, so many people in New York love this educational treasure. What we don't love is the pseudoscience junk that we recently found for sale in its gift shop.
There is an interaction between measuring and what is measured. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle is true for medicine and helps explain some confusing and changing health information.