
Of the four "reclones" that were born, three are alive and well. They will be monitored (hopefully) for years to come in order to provide more data on the health of clones, and their reclones. Stay tuned for a follow-up in 2027!
Truth is stranger than fiction. House of Cards has been cancelled. MSNBC fired journalist Mark Halperin. The long-anticipated Russia investigation has resulted in its first charges. And a dog bit my dad in the butt. What do you do when a dog bites you?
This latest story refers to dogs' affinity for humans — even strange ones. New research demonstrates that dogs react more strongly when a person is facing them than when they turn away. And that reaction isn't changed by the presence of food.   
Spend enough time with another person, and you begin to pick up their mannerisms. Such behavioral "synchronization" is a mechanism by which we build social cohesion. But what about across species? Turns out, at least as dogs are concerned, researchers found that they are in tune with their owners.
Are you your dog? Is your dog you? The science.
Your dog loves rawhides - that's a fact. But someone may have told you to stay away from them. Why? Take a look at the Good, the Bad, and the Debunked about your pet's favorite chew bone. 
Dogs are versatile — they may be herders, guard dogs, guide dogs and even therapy dogs. But not all dogs are suitable for every task. One can test them, to be sure, but there may be another way to determine at least some of their personality characteristics — has a dog's muzzle become prematurely gray? If so, he or she may not be suitable for activities that require a calm outlook on life.
We always hear that pediatric and veterinary medicine are similar. But is this true? We often thought there were commonalities, but after becoming a pet parent and experiencing the other side, Dr. Jaime Wells is certain. Let’s journey through the lessons she's learned.
Dogs love peanut butter— but just because they go nuts over that delicious goodness does not mean every type of peanut is safe for your furry friend. We chatted with Dr. Tim Hunt about which common peanuts are safe to feed your pooch!
You've seen that look: the big sappy eyes, staring through your soul... yep, that's just your dog beggin' for human food next to the dinner table. And scientists have discovered the reason why some breeds do it more than others, ahem... Labs.
A study published in this month s Journal of Urology outlines a better than 90% effectiveness of dogs at detecting prostate cancer by sniffing a patient s urine. The researchers, based in Italy, trained two 3-year-old female German Shepherds for 5 months using operant