Food & Nutrition

The price of eggs rose by 11% in January and does not appear to be coming down in the immediate future. The price hike is primarily due to the bird flu, which killed millions of egg-laying hens in 2022 in the deadliest outbreak in U.S. history.
Today’s villain is erythritol, a naturally occurring “sugar-alcohol” (polyols) used as a sweetener. It is not as sweet as sucrose, so it is typically used in far higher amounts in the “food chain” than in our fruits and vegetables.
As I discussed in Part 1, many Americans have begun to seek “authenticity” in many aspects of their lives.  There’s nothing wrong with that unless in the process they are misled by special interests’ false claims that cause them to be endange
Childhood obesity is a growing problem in the US.
Let’s start with the four components:
Mara’s commentary steered clear of a discussion of gender (women tend to be smaller than men); lifespan; BMI, or activity on climate change, even though our ability to affect BMI or activity level is much greater than our influence on height, gend
Dark chocolate has long been considered a healthy alternative to milk or white chocolate.
Christmas is around the corner, and that means a bunch of bad gifts are heading your way. Some will be merely bad, like a calendar with a different cat hairball for every month.
How close is what we eat today to the original 1621 Thanksgiving feast? Apparently, not very close at all.
The saga began on November 9th when a small quantity of herbicide, linked to abnormal growth in lab rats, was found in the nation’s cranberry harvest. What we have come to see as the traditional lines were quickly drawn.
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