breast cancer

An online support campaign has taken women on FB by storm. The idea: put a simple red heart on your wall in support of Breast Cancer Prevention Week. But given the grim tale of metastatic breast cancer, we ought to do more than update our Facebook status.
Only 1 in 8 women are aware that density is a risk factor, and just 1 in 5 know that dense tissue reduces the sensitivity of mammograms to find tumors. Since breast cancer is second worst cancer killer among women, why hasn't there been more emphasis on the risk factors associatd with dense breasts?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is on a recent publishing push. It involves cancer prevention efforts, promotion of current statistics and encouragement of comprehensive plan implementations -- on all governmental, personal and public fronts.
While there is no known cure for breast cancer, there are genetic tests that can predict it, and genomic tests to help determine the risk of recurrence of some types, as well as which treatments should be most effective. Women should be optimistic about the likelihood that better and better treatments — and cures — will be found.
To kick off our new interview series Making the Rounds, we invited surgical oncologist Dr. Ogori Kalu to our New York office for a Facebook Live video streaming session to help educate the public on breast cancer prevention. Take a few minutes to learn about the discredited myths, and to watch the interesting round-table discussion with this Stanford-educated doctor.
In the spirit of Breast Cancer awareness month and promoting women’s health, we are excited to have had Dr. Susan Wolf in our Manhattan office today for our Making the Rounds Facebook Live video streaming series.  Dr. Wolf is a Reproductive Endocrinologist specializing in infertility and menopause.  Additionally, she is a breast cancer and melanoma survivor - and, “borderline ovarian” which she personally addressed in our discussion.  Watch the session now! 
Alcohol is both good and bad. Makes some happy, others sad. It amplifies joy, or exacerbates decline. It alienates, it coalesces. It de-stresses, stresses, calms and kills. But you know what? You are the variable. So, then is moderation sexy? Explore your prescription.
Roughly 40 percent of women have dense breasts, but, what does that mean in the context of breast cancer diagnosis? Turns out that having dense breasts makes mammography less effective at screening, and a recent study shows that radiologists have large variations on what constitutes a dense breast in the first place.
Perhaps the most debilitating part of breast cancer treatment is chemotherapy. A new report by an international team of researchers suggests a means of more precisely determining which patients do or do not require chemotherapy.
Obesity is known to raise a woman's risk of developing breast cancer, and in some cases that cancer can recur even after successful treatment. An investigation will examine whether weight loss in obese women can decrease the rate of such recurrences.
Treating breast cancer with a very high dose of chemotherapy doesn’t improve survival any more than if a standard dose is used. And as guest writer Nicholas Wilcken writes, a recent paper has now capped decades of research debunking the idea that, if only we could give a high enough dose of chemotherapy, we could cure breast cancer.
Women who take dietary supplements and use multiple forms of complementary alternative medicine are less likely to initiate chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer when it's clinically indicated. And to put it mildly, that's not a good approach. Just ask the family of the late Steve Jobs.