Food & Nutrition

Some people claim that dairy products promote excess weight gain and even increase appetite. Obviously, there is no biological basis for this belief. Add to that, a review recently presented at the European Congress on Obesity found that dairy is not causing kids, or anyone else, to put on the pounds.
A new paper published in the journal Intelligence adds to the body of literature that characterizes how intelligent people differ from others. Mimicking the behaviors of intelligent people will not make a person intelligent, but it could provide a health boost.
The departure of Soup CEO Denise Morrison is the fifteenth CEO change at a large packaged food company in the last two-and-a-half years. What do they all share in common? They apologized for being in business and chased a vocal consumer segment that hates them - the "nocebo" community that seeks out products based on what they claim not to have on the label.
GR2E Golden Rice, a provitamin-A biofortified rice variety received a positive food safety evaluation from the FDA regarding its safety and nutrition. GR2E is the first nutritionally enhanced genetically-modified rice to receive regulatory approval for use in food.
New research concludes that the poorest people in the world will be affected the most by higher CO2 levels, which may decrease the nutritional quality of rice. This conclusion, however, is based on at least two flawed assumptions.
Senator George McGovern of South Dakota
The American food supply is safer and more nutritious today than at any point in history. And this decade the CDC found that 8 out of 10 Americans were not even at risk for nutritional deficiencies. Despite this, millions of Americans still fear the safety of their food. Why?
Yes, get rid of trans fats in french fries. But because they made them taste terrible compared to animal fat, not because of health hype.
There's a dramatic flip-flop going on. The World Health Organization is now claiming that trans fats, which are found in margarine and donuts, are responsible for 500,000 deaths annually. Compare that to when partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil was saving us from butter and meat fat, which were also linked to cardiovascular disease. What changed? Not much – other than a hold on logic.  
Saunas, for the most part and for legions of adults, enjoy a warm reputation as being good for you. And a recent study of Finnish men and women seems to add more credence to sauna's health benefits, in defending against stroke. But were these favorable results skewed because this activity baked into Finland's culture?
Though well-intentioned, "at all costs" breastfeeding messages are routinely misguided. And even intellectually dishonest.
A study from the Commonwealth countries indicates that it will take two weeks longer to get pregnant if you eat fast food. Huh? And you can save yourself a week or so by eating fruit, not vegetables. Really? And, no surprise, It goes without saying that this incomplete study came complete with grievous limitations.
A few weeks ago, a paper claimed that an extra glass of wine will shorten your life. The story circled the globe in minutes. A new paper, with better methodology, concluded what we all knew: Moderate alcohol consumption can be integrated into a healthy lifestyle. It, however, won't receive nearly as much attention as the sensationalist report. Such is the power of the academic PR hype machine combined with a gullible, sensationalist press.
States and councils around Australia have been struggling since the imposition of import restrictions that exclude 99% of the recyclables that the country previously sold to China. Hopes are high that the federal government will step in and take a clear role.