Food & Nutrition

Births rates for mothers aged 10 to 14, as well as those 15 to 19, dropped to an all-time low, according to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control. As a result, births for the pre-teen demographic group have declined 67 percent over the last 16 years.
Nature is amazing. When potatoes go bad they sometimes turn green and produce a potent neurotoxin. But the chemical that's responsible for the green is chlorophyll, which is anything but toxic. How does the green color indicate that the potato is bad? 
A study demonstrates that confidence in one's cooking skills translates into cooking more often, and perhaps more nutritiously. Have we overlooked how Home Econ is the applied techniques of science, technology, engineering, and math? 
The quality of your sleep is directly related to how you feel and function the next day, and in general. However, a recent study found that sleep-deprived adults know what they should be doing to get essential rest time – but they simply pay little attention to do what's necessary to achieve it.
Perhaps at some point, dietary supplement fans are going to wonder why they spent so much money on a bunch of stuff which ended up being useless. Regarding omega-3 fatty acid supplements from fish, and whether they have any impact on fatal heart attacks, nonfatal heart attacks, strokes, the results are in. Effectiveness: zilch.
The chemistry of mucus is conceptually identical to that of hair. Which means the same reaction can style your hair or help you breathe better. Ain't chemistry great?
Consider this paradox: The more nutritious our diet, the more food we throw away, and the more it takes from our environmental resources. Which begs the question: Does virtuous eating have an environmental cost?
A study published in The Lancet concludes that one additional drink per day increases a person's risk of stroke, coronary disease, heart failure, fatal hypertensive disease, and fatal aortic aneurysm. Alcohol may not be to blame, but we can't determine this because the authors didn't even bother to collect data on it.
The Environmental Working Group has once again released their Dirty Dozen list — the fruits and veggies they say are covered in pesticides. One minor detail: organic produce contains pesticides, too, but that doesn't quite fit their narrative.
Just when you thought you've seen it all, now we have "healthy" organic soda from Red Bull. In a way, that's appropriate, because the company's claims are all kinds of different shades of bull. It's almost funny. 
In our latest #KuriousKiddos segment, Elliot and Sullivan want to know whether or not the legend of swallowing gum is true.. Will you become part Wrigley if you swallow the rubbery goodness?
A viral video by "Attn:", an activist website that produces extremely popular segments, is spreading lies about food processing in the United States and Europe. Don't fall for it.