Food & Nutrition

Join Cameron English and  Dr. Chuck Dinerstein on Episode 102 of the Science Dispatch podcast as they discuss:
Commodity crops can be easily stored for years without significant loss in nutritional and caloric value; moreover, the infrastructure for their storage and long-haul movement is well established.
The "five-second rule" suggests dropped food is safe if picked up quickly, based on one of two ideas.
ACSH has published several articles criticizing the misuse of supplements and the industry itself.
Christmas is around the corner, and that means a bunch of bad gifts are heading your way. Some will be merely bad, like a calendar with a different cat hairball for every month.
Many health influencers and integrative doctors have decided to demonize milk, creating a parallel reality that could rival the imagination of any sci-fi screenwriter.
With the ongoing seasonal overindulgence between Thanksgiving and Christmas, it won’t be long before our waistline dictates that we shed a few pounds and ease up on the kitchen food raids.
There is a LOT of misinformation when it comes to our foods, especially how our foods are grown and the farming technologies used.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattention, disorganization, and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity, significantly impacting daily life.
As Fox Sports reported in 2016, the average weight of a starting NFL linesman was 315 pounds, aggregating to over 25 tons for
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